Tuesday, February 19, 2008

McCain Receives Two Huge Endorsements

Hello fellow Moderate Republican Voice readers, your host of host have return, after three and a half weeks of working, and dealing with life issues like most Americans. But I'm back ready to go I have several issues to discuss and get off my chest. First the two major endorsements Senator John McCain received in the last seven days. Later this week I'll be discussing the Pakistan Elections, Cuba's future, and of course presidential election results.

Guarantee's Republican Presidential Nominee Senator John McCain receives two huge endorsements in the last several days. Last week Senator McCain receives endorsement from former Republican Presidential Candidate Gov. Mitt Romney, and just yesterday afternoon receive another endorsement from the 41st President George H.W. Bush, a fellow Moderate Republican, among conservative circles. these two endorsements are furthering establishing Senator McCain as the GOP Presidential Candidate. The endorsements would hopefully quite down the criticism McCain been receive from several conservative talk radio addicts, suggesting McCain is not a Conservative but a liberal in sheep clothing. The war between Senator McCain and Talk Radio have divide the grassroots base of the GOP.

Talk Radio need to realize, Senator McCain has a tremendous shoot of winning the Presidential Election defeating either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton. Especially if Senator Obama wins the Democratic Party Presidential Nomination. McCain truly appeals to the Moderate and Independent voters, according to www.realpolitics.com, and various political pollsters your seeing an amazing increase of independent registrar voters. McCain appeals to those voters because he's a independent republican thinker, outspoken especially towards his own party, and voters love his maverick personality. According to exits polls after open primary election, McCain drawn just as much or more Moderate and Independent votes as Senator Obama.

Okay, Senator McCain does not have a perfect conservative record, such as McCain- Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, and McCain-Lieberman. But to come to Senator McCain's' defense he has a 83 percent conservative voting record, pro life, pro military, pro national security, in favor of the Bush Tax Cut making them permanent, and have tremendous interest in supporting the FairTax Doctrine Legislative. So the Rush Limbaugh's, Ann Coulter's Sean Hannity's, and Dr. Laura Ingram's of the world, have a legitimate argument, the conservative moment is desperate for a true conservative. Whatever issues conservative have with Senator McCain shall be dealt with at later date, probably after he becomes President but the Republican Party must unite and save the White House and re-establish the GOP base.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Congress Pass Defense Bill, But Failed to Override SCHIP Veto

The United States last week finally after months of political grand standing passed the Defense and Military Reconstruction Authorization Bill. President Bush for several months been desperately been urging Congress to pass the bill because the military funding for Iraq and Afghanistan was running out. President Bush got exactly what he wanted full military funding for both wars and funding for reconstruction effects in both countries. It's pretty ironic, the goal of the elected Democratic Party Congress was to stop the war in Iraq by any means necessary according to the Constitution of the United States. Well ladies and gentlemen it's been a year and one month, the war is still in progress and going very well the counter insurgency strategy is working under General Peterus. Military reconstruction projects have resume for the first time in several months. The War is going according to the Bush Administration plan.

The United States Congress failed to override President Bush's veto of the SCHIP Bill. The override veto vote failed both in the House and Senate. The reason President Bush veto the original legislation because the Congress wanted to increase and expand the program from 30 Billion dollars to 60 Billion dollars. The White House is welling to work out a possible deal to finally reauthorizes the SCHIP. SCHIP have enough funding until March of 2008. It's also pretty ironic for President bush choose now to somewhat become a fiscal conservative as it relates to the SCHIP but demands tremendous funding for foreign operation.

Check Out Both Legislations Defense Bill and SCHIP Bill



Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thompson's Time Have Run Out

Senator Fred Thompson early yesterday afternoon officially dropped out of the Republican Presidential Race. Senator Thompson, finished poorly in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, and finish a distinct third in South Carolina. Senator Thompson enter the Republican Presidential Race hoping to shake up the race, and answer the praises of social conservative across the country. Unfortunately, Senator Thompson enter the race, with little to no grassroots organizational structure, and no political name recognition. Senator Thompson was better remember as an actor playing various movie rolls, and television programs such as Law and Order. Many political experts, social conservatives, and myself, were hoping Senator Thompson can become somewhat the next Ronald Reagan. Senator Thompson lost the support of social conservatives to Republican Presidential opponent former Arkansas Gov Mike Huckabee

Senator Thompson throughout the campaign seems sluggish, uninspired, and lazy. The first couple debates, Thompson wasn't to impressive, and generalize in every response. Senator Thompson sent the entire week and a half campaign in south Carolina, trying to regain the support of social Conservatives; reinstating facts on why he's the candidate of common sense conservatism and discrediting Gov Huckabee record stating he's political philosophy and ideals match those of the Democratic Party. Senator Thompson came in third place at 16 percent of the total vote. Senator Thompson during the week and a half stance in South Carolina showed fire and passion finally realizing he's running for President of the United States. If Senator Thompson showed this much passion and fire earlier in his campaign, and had a strong grassroots organization. Political experts and social conservatives will be riding the Fred Thompson roller coaster to the White House.

Monday, January 21, 2008

McMcain wins South Carolina, but Romney wins Nevada

Senator John McCain past a huge political test this past weekend winning in very traditional conservative sate of South Carolina. Senator McCain pulled in at least 33 percent of the vote gaining the majority of independent vote and moderate republicans. While his top political rival former Gov Mike Huckabee pulled in 30 percent, gaining the majority of the christian conservative and state conservative votes. Senator McCain's main issues while campaigning in South Carolina was the economy, broader security, and reducing federal spending, which appeal to South Carolinian's. McCain promise to cut spending, expand the Bush tax breaks, eliminate earmarks, and implement broader security. South Carolina historical is a christian conservative southern, which many felt favor Gov Mike Huckabee, but this past weekend voters were looking for more.

An argument can be made for Gov Mike Huckabee, losing some of the social conservative vote, former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson, who came in third place in South Carolina with only 16 percent of the total vote. Thompson for the past week and a half been trying to regain some the social Conservative vote he lost back early last year. Senator Thompson for the first time showed fire and passion during the campaign fighting desperately to regain the faith of the social conservatives. According to the polls numbers some social conservative have made their way back to the Senator Thompson camp, thus costing Gov Huckabee the victory to Senator McCain by 3 percentage points. Senator McCain now can use this momentum going into the Florida Primary on Jan 29th, 2008, which he's tied for second place with Gov Huckabee and 5 percent behind Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

On a slide note, if anyone have bother to notice former Mass Gov Mitt Romney won the Nevada Caucuses. Gov Romney won at least 61 percent of the vote while, Congressman Ron Paul came is second place with 13 percent, while other GOP presidential candidates decided Nevada wasn't much a priority. The state of Nevada has a huge Mormon population, which favors Gov Romney. Being honest, Rep Ron Paul is not much competition. Congressman Paul have great ideas, which fit perfectly with the traditional conservative principles of the Republican Party, but he's unelectable. The Republican establishment will not allow Congressman Paul to gain any type of political traction. Gov Romney currently is leading the GOP Presidential Race by several delegates according to www.cnn.com and www.realclearpolitics.com.

Senator McCain have the resources and momentum heading into the Jan 29th Primary. Mayor Giuliani is banking his entire presidential race into Florida, hoping it becomes a spring board into the February 5th Super Tuesday multi-state primaries and caucuses. The GOP Presidential race is the most interesting, and most wide open political contest in the last several decades. Some political experts predicting, a nominee probably won't emerge until the day of the Republican Convention.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Caucuses Thompson's Time to Rise

The first 2008 presidential caucuses will take place today. Every national and international media outlet will focus on the State of Iowa to witness, a very historical presidential caucuses; there never been a more exciting presidential election in the last 20 years until now. The Republican field is very wide open, with Former Governor Mike Huckabee leading by two percentage points over Former Governor Mitt Romney, with Senator McCain in third place, Major Rudy Giuliani in fourth place, and Former Senator Fred Thompson in fifth place. Huckabee and Romney been trading political punches for last several weeks launching waves of attacks towards each other, trying to gain some extra political ground among Republican Caucuses goers. Senator McCain with also landing a few punches against Mitt Romney attacking his record on National Security and Terrorism and questioning Romney's Conservatism. The one thing Iowans hate is political mud slinging and personal political attacks ads.

The GOP field is hurting itself by attacking one another, and not being straight forward on the issues, at hand such as taxation (Fair Tax Legislation), out of control spending, gun control (Second Amendment), Global Warning, Alternative Energy, Abortion, and Gay Marriage. Social, fiscal, and foreign policy conservative are still searching for that Regan like candidate to emerge and restored creditability and respectability to the Republican Party. As stated on title of this blog "Thompson's Time to Rise"? Senator Fred Thompson been consist presidential candidate with his message, reduce the role of government, control spending, endorse the fair tax, improve broader security, invest more in alternative energy, and continue the war on terrorism. While the top Republican candidates beat each other up politically over issues of spending, national security, foreign policy, taxation, and etc. It's a perfect time for Senator Fred Thompson to step up and grab the attention of the Reagan Conservative Movement and become their saviour. Senator Thompson have the experience, and capability of winning the Republican nomination, or at least become a Vice Presidential candidate. Senator Thompson is a great politician, but a somewhat a sluggish communicator. Senator Thompson been lacking in energy and fire since entering the presidential race back in September of 2007. Some political experts and including myself have been wondering,"Does Thompson really want to be come President of the United States?" Senator Thompson had the same attitude during his term in the United States Senate, and became very successful. Lazy Fred Thompson is just as capable of winning the White House as any other presidential candidate. Thompson needs to be a stronger communicator, and do a better job getting out his conservative message. The conservative caucuses goers are looking for a presidential republican candidate to rally behind. Some conservatives feel Romney is not sincere, Huckabee, McCain, and Giuliani can not be trusted. Senator Thompson has a legitimate shot of at least coming in second or third place in the Iowa Caucuses, and using the momentum going into New Hampshire, Michigan, and South Carolina in the upcoming days. It's Senator Thompson's time to rise and meet the expectation among political conservative. It's time for Senator Thompson step up and show the conservative base of the Republican Party, that he's the candidate to restore Reagan Conservatism and get American back on track.